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Friday, January 20, 2012

What Drives You?

When starting this fitness program and deciding to compete with the WBFF, needless to say Amanda and I were pumped. It's exciting and challenging, the girls are beautiful, there will be fun photo opportunities and plenty of cute outfits. Don't get me wrong, we are also PAINFULLY aware of how much work it is and the amount of discipline and dedication it takes to achieve that kind of body; but those who know us well know that drive and determination are not traits we're lacking in. (Ok drive and determination are nice ways to put that, how's plain old bullheaded bitchiness?). We came up with a plan, found the best trainer we could find, put together our Facebook page and blog and BAM, we were on our way. The whole process was so energizing and positive, I was really taken aback when a few people close to me weren't really crazy about the idea at all. Shocked actually. Here I am thinking I've taken on the most positive, life changing, health and body benefiting challenge i could possibly dream of and then people have the audacity to piss on my parade?

Since my early twenties I have always been the type of person that constantly sought out new jobs, new relationships, new looks, new cars. I felt like I was trying to find my niche in life, I wanted that 'Aha!' moment when everything would fall into place. I kept searching and changing and yet the same cycle would inevitably repeat itself, discard the old, welcome the new, get bored with the new, move on to something else. This pattern was obvious in just about every aspect of my life.

In my mid twenties after a particularly crazy, roller coaster of a year, I came to realize something very important about myself. It isn't one particular, wholly fulfilling purpose in life that I'm looking for. What keeps me motivated and gives me direction in life is living a DYNAMIC lifestyle. I usually have at least a half dozen projects on the go at any given time, and trust me there are days when I tackle my schedule hoping for a miracle, but I wouldn't change any of it. The people who doubt my decision to go after the WBFF competition see my training as yet one more thing I'm adding to the big ol' pile of Meg's responsibilities. They look at the amount of obligation in my life and think 'There's no WAY you can get all that done, you're going to burn yourself out'. I know that in some cases, a lot maybe, that's exactly what can happen. People over extend themselves and eventually fail and fizzle out, but let me tell you that keeping things fresh and different and setting new goals for myself is how I've kept myself happy and sane for the last five years.

I KNOW there are people out there like me, who are bouncing around in life struggling to maintain a clear direction. Stop. Focus on a few different challenges that excite and motivate you and come up with a plan to execute them and make it work with your schedule. I've discovered that people find it difficult to accomplish tasks because they're terrible at time management. Think about the last time you sat down and actually focused on the task at hand until it was finished. I bet you cleaned your house in a quarter of the time it usually does, or finished that essay much faster than you thought possible. You are all tremendously capable, and capable of greatness if you just set some goals and focus, and I mean really FOCUS on your achievements. Don't waste your time half assing things and screwing around. By applying yourself completely you will achieve tremendous success in all facets of your life. You will feel better about yourself and accomplish your goals much faster than you thought possible.

I'm not saying everyone needs to have a million things on the go to be happy, it just happens to be what works for me and what keeps me plugged in. If you're the type of person that needs to keep it simple and achieve one goal at a time, that is absolutely what you should do, just really take the time to focus and apply yourself to that goal and I guarantee you'll be blown away by your own potential.

I really do understand that the negativity I'm hearing is because people are genuinely concerned about me and don't want to see me over burdened or stressed out. I appreciate their love and concern and I'm grateful for their input, really, I am. So on that note I will leave you with this:

'Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful'
-Joshua J. Marine

Stop what you're doing right now. Think about something you've always wanted to do and start DOING it.


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