The subject of fate came up the other day while I was talking to my husband, and I wanted to share some thoughts I have about it. My husband is a staunch believer in fate; that there are events and people that come into your life that are inevitable, regardless of your decisions. I guess I understand this logic to a certain extent, it's nice to think that there are things in your life that will happen or things that won't happen all because of fate. It's comforting to believe that a relationship failed or a person came into your life because of fate; comforting because when you don't have control over something it might make it easier to understand. Fate is this extraneous perpetual force that creates opportunities and brings people together regardless of situations or actions on behalf of the individuals. I can honestly say that I'd like to believe in fate, it would make things, well, simple.
I guess this is the part where I try to explain my unorthodox belief system about our little lives on this planet. Picture it like this; your life is a neutral, straight line when you are born. As you go through life and encounter people and experience events, this line changes direction depending on your decisions. There may be inevitabilities, but only for the particular path that you've chosen. If you decided to become an engineer, it may be an inevitability that you lose your passion and quit your job, but the same inevitability wouldn't apply if you had chosen to be an artist; see what I mean? Your life has an infinite amount of directions it can take, and every thought you have and choice you make changes that direction just a tiny little bit. You may happen upon an opportunity by chance, but if you don't choose to seize that opportunity nothing will come of it. You have the control; you always have the control.
There will be times in your life where you feel like a victim. When you feel as if you have been dealt the worlds worst hand; that life isn't fair and that you can't cope with what has happened. It's true, sometimes things happen to us that we have no control over, but we always have control over how we handle it. You can take the most negative of any situation and turn it into something incredibly positive. It is always darkest right before the dawn; in times of great despair is when we find our true strength and experience the most personal growth. When times are tough you can let it destroy you or you can use it to your advantage; you always have control. You will never know how truly powerful you are until that power is challenged at it's core. Don't live your life as a victim, own and accept the things that have happened to you as life lessons. It all happened for a reason and it made you what you are today. Face tomorrows challenges on your feet and with your arms open, not on your knees with your hands covering your face.
I believe that this world is our education. A university for the soul. We are here to learn, to inspire, to be inspired, and to grow. You have been given the gift of attending the most prestigious of schools, use your time here wisely and remember that no one and no event dictates your life's direction. You are a student and architect of your own destiny; carpe diem.
A collection of thoughts, musings, tips, and reflections on losing weight and getting in shape.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Weight Loss on the Brain?
People will often ask you, when they've noticed you've lost weight, what diet you're on, or what 'plan' you're following, As I've mentioned before we live in a society where instant gratification is king, so the majority of people are hoping for a quick fix answer. They want to hear that you've found a magic weight loss pill or just stopped drinking pop and you dropped ten pounds in three days. The truth is that real, consistent, long lasting weight loss is only achieved by one thing and one thing only: finding a balance, creating a plan that works for you, and sticking to it. While low carb or paleo dieting might be ideal for one person to lose weight, it might make another person miserable, and if you're miserable chances are you aren't going to stick with it. Weight Watchers might do wonders for a girlfriend but if it isn't right for you, it isn't going to work. When it comes to weight loss and getting healthy it's so important to be a pioneer for yourself; don't be afraid to mix it up and try different things until you find the diet and exercise plan that works for you. If you get amazing results on South Beach but you can only stick to it for three weeks before falling face first off the bandwagon, it isn't the right plan for you.
Some of (a lot of) your success with any given plan will be your dedication and discipline, but you'll make it a lot easier for yourself to be committed if you are eating things you enjoy and participating in activities you love. Once you start getting comfortable with your plan don't be afraid to change things up, routine is the enemy of progress when it comes to weight loss and muscle building. Your body is incredibly smart and adaptive, it will get used to any diet and exercise plan in a relatively short period of time. The key is to stick with a plan for a few weeks, see how you feel, and make a few changes to shake things up, keep your body guessing and to keep you interested. Believe it or not studies have shown that people who cheat once a week while dieting show greater fat loss results because of the after burn effect of speeding up your metabolism. That one high calorie meal revs up your bodies metabolic rate for a few days after you eat it, making the next few days an excellent opportunity to really get things going. You'll find that when you plan to cheat, you're less likely to binge during regular eating days. When you have a nice big cheeseburger to look forward to on Saturday it makes it a little easier to stick to your diet for one more day; the point is there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. When you diet without cheating for prolonged periods of time you get obsessed with cheating, you can't stop thinking about food and when you finally cave in you feel terrible about your decision and you'll be more apt to keep binging.
The other negative effect extremely strict dieting can have on the body is that your body will adjust to the new lower calorie intake and your weight loss will inevitably plateau. You might think the answer is to even further decrease your intake, but the truth is a bit of an increase for a day or two will get that metabolism fired up again. You don't want to get to a point in your dieting that your body has learned to operate on an extremely low intake; now you're not getting the nutrients your body needs and you're also not losing weight. Sounds like a recipe for giving up if you ask me. The worst part about it is that when people quit dieting while their body is in low-metabolic-rate mode, they typically binge and gain all the weight back and then some due to the fact that their body is now storing the excess calories they would have previously burnt. For example, let's say your diet used to consist of 2000 calories a day, your new diet has you consuming about 1500 calories, you plateaued so you dropped it to 1200 for awhile and then you plateaued again. This time during your plateau you dine at an all-you-can-eat buffet for two weeks straight, now instead of your body using 2000 calories per day like it used to, it now only needs 1200 calories thanks to the lower metabolic rate. Get where I'm going with this? That's a lot of extra calories. Sure your metabolism will speed back up gradually, but not before depositing multiple extra pounds of fat all over your body.
The real, straight up truth about weight loss is that it has nothing to do with what's on the scale; it has to do with what's between your ears. It's so critical for you to find a program that works with your lifestyle, with your taste, and with your particular body type. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is where finding a fitness professional can really help ease the burden. It can be a difficult road to navigate on your own; you can certainly do it by yourself, just be patient and be willing to experiment until you find the right mix of diet and exercise that works. Don't see weight loss as one-size-fits-all, we are all so unique and our body compositions so vastly different that it just doesn't make sense to do what everyone else is doing. Don't follow the path made by others, set off on your own and leave a trail behind you instead.
On this journey you will learn so much about yourself. Love the fact that tomorrow you won't wake up thirty pounds lighter. Enjoy the process and watching your body change in front of your eyes; savor the experience of working hard and relish the results. It's not the destination that's important, it's the lessons that we learn while trying to get there. There is a beautiful, confident person inside each one of us; take pride in sculpting and creating this new person for the world to see. Sure some days we wish we could close our eyes and it would all be over with, the weight would be off and we could ease up a little; but where's the growth and experience in that? There's no pride in quick fixes. Let your body become a beacon for hard work, perseverance, determination, and drive. Treat it with the same respect that you would treat someone else's body; it's the only one you'll get.
Some of (a lot of) your success with any given plan will be your dedication and discipline, but you'll make it a lot easier for yourself to be committed if you are eating things you enjoy and participating in activities you love. Once you start getting comfortable with your plan don't be afraid to change things up, routine is the enemy of progress when it comes to weight loss and muscle building. Your body is incredibly smart and adaptive, it will get used to any diet and exercise plan in a relatively short period of time. The key is to stick with a plan for a few weeks, see how you feel, and make a few changes to shake things up, keep your body guessing and to keep you interested. Believe it or not studies have shown that people who cheat once a week while dieting show greater fat loss results because of the after burn effect of speeding up your metabolism. That one high calorie meal revs up your bodies metabolic rate for a few days after you eat it, making the next few days an excellent opportunity to really get things going. You'll find that when you plan to cheat, you're less likely to binge during regular eating days. When you have a nice big cheeseburger to look forward to on Saturday it makes it a little easier to stick to your diet for one more day; the point is there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. When you diet without cheating for prolonged periods of time you get obsessed with cheating, you can't stop thinking about food and when you finally cave in you feel terrible about your decision and you'll be more apt to keep binging.
The other negative effect extremely strict dieting can have on the body is that your body will adjust to the new lower calorie intake and your weight loss will inevitably plateau. You might think the answer is to even further decrease your intake, but the truth is a bit of an increase for a day or two will get that metabolism fired up again. You don't want to get to a point in your dieting that your body has learned to operate on an extremely low intake; now you're not getting the nutrients your body needs and you're also not losing weight. Sounds like a recipe for giving up if you ask me. The worst part about it is that when people quit dieting while their body is in low-metabolic-rate mode, they typically binge and gain all the weight back and then some due to the fact that their body is now storing the excess calories they would have previously burnt. For example, let's say your diet used to consist of 2000 calories a day, your new diet has you consuming about 1500 calories, you plateaued so you dropped it to 1200 for awhile and then you plateaued again. This time during your plateau you dine at an all-you-can-eat buffet for two weeks straight, now instead of your body using 2000 calories per day like it used to, it now only needs 1200 calories thanks to the lower metabolic rate. Get where I'm going with this? That's a lot of extra calories. Sure your metabolism will speed back up gradually, but not before depositing multiple extra pounds of fat all over your body.
The real, straight up truth about weight loss is that it has nothing to do with what's on the scale; it has to do with what's between your ears. It's so critical for you to find a program that works with your lifestyle, with your taste, and with your particular body type. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is where finding a fitness professional can really help ease the burden. It can be a difficult road to navigate on your own; you can certainly do it by yourself, just be patient and be willing to experiment until you find the right mix of diet and exercise that works. Don't see weight loss as one-size-fits-all, we are all so unique and our body compositions so vastly different that it just doesn't make sense to do what everyone else is doing. Don't follow the path made by others, set off on your own and leave a trail behind you instead.
On this journey you will learn so much about yourself. Love the fact that tomorrow you won't wake up thirty pounds lighter. Enjoy the process and watching your body change in front of your eyes; savor the experience of working hard and relish the results. It's not the destination that's important, it's the lessons that we learn while trying to get there. There is a beautiful, confident person inside each one of us; take pride in sculpting and creating this new person for the world to see. Sure some days we wish we could close our eyes and it would all be over with, the weight would be off and we could ease up a little; but where's the growth and experience in that? There's no pride in quick fixes. Let your body become a beacon for hard work, perseverance, determination, and drive. Treat it with the same respect that you would treat someone else's body; it's the only one you'll get.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Have you ever gone out for dinner, read the menu, decided what you'd really like to order, and then ordered something else because you were afraid the other people at the table might judge you for it? Have you overheard someone talking about a musician you like with distaste, only to agree with them for fear of being ridiculed? I've done it, definitely, more than a few times. It's like for that moment in time the most important thing in the world is just to fit in and to be like everyone else, but why?
Since noticing that I would often hide my true feelings I've tried to make a conscious effort to do the opposite, and the results are pretty interesting. For example, if I hear someone bashing a TV show that I like to watch, instead of agreeing with them, I voice my affinity for it. When I go to a restaurant and decide I want the double deluxe bacon cheeseburger with fries and gravy, I order it, even if everyone else at the table is sharing appetizers. When you start to live authentically the strangest thing happens, the people around you are immediately inspired to also be themselves. I can pretty much guarantee you that when you and your girlfriends sit down at a restaurant and everyone says 'oh I'm not that hungry', SOMEONE (besides you) is starving! When you pipe up that you're ordering an appetizer, main, and extra dessert, there's a girl at the table that is secretly thanking you for speaking up.
There isn't a particular physical trait, outfit, hair color, or ethnicity that's sexier than the other. There is only one universal truth for being sexy, and that's confidence. When you live your authentic self every single day you can't help but be confident, it becomes second nature to just be exactly who you are. You are absolutely not perfect but that in itself is exactly what makes you so unique; your distinct lack of perfection. The way you do your hair, the way you dress, the manner in which you speak is all so exclusively you. Don't water it down or dilute it so that other people find you more palatable or more like everyone else. Uniqueness makes some people uncomfortable, probably because they themselves are living behind a facade and they would appreciate if everyone else would do the same.
Think about the last person you met that was absolutely magnetic and interesting in every way. Chances are they weren't the most beautiful or articulate person you'd ever met, but I bet they were confident. Don't apologize for being you and don't be afraid to show your true colors, be prepared that not everyone will like what you have to offer, and THAT'S OK. We don't like to deal with or face rejection but it's absolutely exhausting to try and be everything to everyone, there will inevitably be a few people that don't appreciate you, but so what? Wouldn't you rather be surrounded by quality individuals who love you for who you are than acquaintances that like you because of who you pretend to be? Life becomes much less difficult when you just are who you are with no regrets.
The next time you grab a shirt off the rack just to put it back because other people might judge you for it, throw everyone else's opinions in the garbage. What do you really think about it? That's all that matters. And that girl behind you? She saw you buy that shirt too and was inspired to try it on. When you live authentically it not only has a positive influence in your life but the people around you will be compelled to do the same. Don't be afraid of who you really are, it would be such a shame if the world didn't get to experience the unique beauty that is so wonderfully and exclusively you.
Since noticing that I would often hide my true feelings I've tried to make a conscious effort to do the opposite, and the results are pretty interesting. For example, if I hear someone bashing a TV show that I like to watch, instead of agreeing with them, I voice my affinity for it. When I go to a restaurant and decide I want the double deluxe bacon cheeseburger with fries and gravy, I order it, even if everyone else at the table is sharing appetizers. When you start to live authentically the strangest thing happens, the people around you are immediately inspired to also be themselves. I can pretty much guarantee you that when you and your girlfriends sit down at a restaurant and everyone says 'oh I'm not that hungry', SOMEONE (besides you) is starving! When you pipe up that you're ordering an appetizer, main, and extra dessert, there's a girl at the table that is secretly thanking you for speaking up.
There isn't a particular physical trait, outfit, hair color, or ethnicity that's sexier than the other. There is only one universal truth for being sexy, and that's confidence. When you live your authentic self every single day you can't help but be confident, it becomes second nature to just be exactly who you are. You are absolutely not perfect but that in itself is exactly what makes you so unique; your distinct lack of perfection. The way you do your hair, the way you dress, the manner in which you speak is all so exclusively you. Don't water it down or dilute it so that other people find you more palatable or more like everyone else. Uniqueness makes some people uncomfortable, probably because they themselves are living behind a facade and they would appreciate if everyone else would do the same.
Think about the last person you met that was absolutely magnetic and interesting in every way. Chances are they weren't the most beautiful or articulate person you'd ever met, but I bet they were confident. Don't apologize for being you and don't be afraid to show your true colors, be prepared that not everyone will like what you have to offer, and THAT'S OK. We don't like to deal with or face rejection but it's absolutely exhausting to try and be everything to everyone, there will inevitably be a few people that don't appreciate you, but so what? Wouldn't you rather be surrounded by quality individuals who love you for who you are than acquaintances that like you because of who you pretend to be? Life becomes much less difficult when you just are who you are with no regrets.
The next time you grab a shirt off the rack just to put it back because other people might judge you for it, throw everyone else's opinions in the garbage. What do you really think about it? That's all that matters. And that girl behind you? She saw you buy that shirt too and was inspired to try it on. When you live authentically it not only has a positive influence in your life but the people around you will be compelled to do the same. Don't be afraid of who you really are, it would be such a shame if the world didn't get to experience the unique beauty that is so wonderfully and exclusively you.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Dear Bree: The Importance of an Awesome Personal Trainer
I want to take a minute to express my gratitude and appreciation for a person who has taken an active interest in my success, and who has had a huge impact on my life since we met. I met Bree Lind at the beginning of January when Amanda and I decided to start this project, and her enthusiasm to work with us was absolutely contagious. Her positive reaction and affirmation that our goals were achievable gave me the extra push I needed to really take this seriously and to give it 100%. She has gone so far above and beyond the normal scope of practice for a personal trainer; making meal plans, sharing tips and secrets, prepping for competition, answering relentless texts and emails, and checking in on us to make sure we’re adapting and coping as best as possible.
Bree is infectiously positive, I can’t stress enough how vital this has been for my success this far. She has a work load that anyone would find difficult to manage but she always has a smile on her face and isn’t afraid to take on the next challenge. Because her story started out similar to my own just seeing her and what she’s been able to accomplish reminds me that truly, anything is possible.
Any trainer can give you a good workout, that’s what they get paid to do, but there’s a big difference between someone hovering over you and absent mindedly watching you perform an exercise and a trainer who is right there with you counting every rep, spotting you, and pushing you further than you ever thought imaginable. She is upbeat and encouraging but also focused and driven, she knows when and how to push you to your limits the right way. She knows when you have five more reps in you but she also knows when you don’t and when you might really hurt yourself. There are days when you want to cheat and fall off the bandwagon but a stern reminder from her keeps your head in the game and snaps you back to reality.
The world of personal training is insanely competitive, some are in it for the right reasons, some aren’t. Bree has given me something that I never thought I’d have, and that’s the personal power that she has and shares with others. She has given me the confidence to attack this dream with every fiber of my body, and that’s worth more than all the money in the world.
If you haven't had the privelidge of working with Bree or someone like her and you're struggling with your fitness goals, make an investment in yourself and your health and get a few sessions in. It's like walking into a room and never noticing a particular painting on the wall, but once it's pointed out to you you can't stop seeing it. We don't often realize on our own what our true potential is until someone else points it out to us, but once you've tasted it you can't let it go.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Your Perfect Self
I want you to do an exercise with me. Get out a piece of paper and draw a picture of yourself, a stick person will do just fine. Underneath that picture write the title ‘My Perfect Self’. Now take a good hard look at that little person and write down the attributes, accomplishments and characteristics of the person you want to be. Keep in mind that they don’t have to be things you don’t have, you may possess many of these traits already. Things to list would be professional goals, fitness goals, personality traits, etc. I’ll start:
My Perfect Self:
- Weighs 135 pounds and has a fit, toned and muscular physique
- Eats a clean, healthy diet
- Spends as much time outdoors as possible
- Engages in daily physical activity
- Gets 8 hours of sleep every night
- Always positive and sees the good in any situation
- Reads books other than trashy celeb mags
- Is actively involved in her sons activities and development
- Is an excellent wife and mother
- Has an ideal balance of work/fun/personal life
- Manages her finances well
- Volunteers and gives generously
- Doesn’t gossip or speak poorly of others
- Motivates and inspires others
- Doesn’t sweat the small stuff
- Is honest with others and true to herself
- Follows through with commitments
- Is an excellent listener and friend
Now the next time you have a problem or issue to deal with, take a look at your perfect little person and ask yourself what they would do in this situation. The most important factor in encouraging positive change in your life is that you consistently strive to do better; if nothing changes, nothing changes. If you live every day the way that the perfect version of yourself would live, pretty soon you become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Have you ever heard the expression ‘don’t dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want to have’? Don’t behave like the person you are now, behave like the person you want to be, and before you know it they’ll be one and the same.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Something that I find interesting to observe in people is the ease and willingness at which they give up their own personal power. I see it happen repeatedly in personal and professional settings and I often wonder if they are consciously aware of their actions. What I mean by relinquishing personal power is this; when an individual, let’s say a friend or family member, does something that irritates you, our first instinct is to react negatively using the other party’s actions as an excuse for our reaction. A friend bails on a dinner date or a coworker shows up late; both of those situations could give rise to anger or frustration on our behalf. The interesting part about it is that by constantly being in a state of reaction, we are in fact giving the people we come in contact with power to dictate our emotions. The reality is when someone acts in a way that might be offensive to our sensibilities; we make a choice to let it affect our mood or reaction. Your friend didn’t make you upset by cancelling last minute, you chose to be upset in response to their actions, and just as easily as you can choose to be upset, you can choose not to be.
I find that sometimes we relinquish our personal power to the point that we feel victimized by the people and situations in our lives. When things are constantly going wrong it isn’t cause for us to feel hapless and helpless, it’s an opportunity for self reflection. What part did I have to play in these situations and is there anything I can do to change the outcome or my feelings surrounding the problem? Odds are the answer is that you played a large contributing part on how the situation played out and you in fact had a significant amount of control over what happened. This is especially true when discussing conflicts within a relationship, too many times we react quickly to our partner’s actions only to exacerbate and inflate what could have been a relatively minor confrontation. It’s human nature to feel influenced or pressured into feeling a certain way about how someone treats us, it’s personal evolution when you take back your control and consciously make an effort to react appropriately. Now that’s not to say that there aren’t situations in which a strong negative reaction isn’t appropriate or even warranted, it’s just that more often than not relatively small problems explode into disproportionate catastrophes because of our reactions to someone else’s actions. When something happens we have the choice to let it ruin our day or we can continue to have a good day regardless of what happens, the important part is that we understand and acknowledge that the control always lies within us.
A helpful exercise to gain perspective on a situation, if you’re unsure of how to react, is to observe your life and the issue in third person. For instance, if you’ve gotten into an argument with your partner and things escalated into a knock-down, drag out fight; try to take a step back and analyze the situation from a neutral perspective. What part did you play in fueling the argument? Did you use inflammatory or combative language like sarcasm or swearing? Can you try to see the situation from your partner’s point of view? After examining the events, acknowledge the errors that you made and your contribution to the argument and approach the issue once again. Start off the conversation by openly agreeing that you contributed to the problem and list the mistakes that you made in the heat of the moment; by doing this you break down the barrier that was built during the argument and you immediately decrease defenses. Usually your partner will react by acknowledging their own errors and the healing process can begin.
For the rest of the day, make a conscious effort to gain control over your emotions and how you deal with them. Don’t easily give up your power to the public and the people around you; picture yourself in a neutral, calm, and content state and do your best to stay that way. Always see situations from the perspective of the big picture, the grand scheme of things. When you take a step back you see how truly insignificant these small problems really are, you are better equipped to deal with them as such; a tiny bump on your daily path to happiness. I liken this attitude to the impenetrable feathers of a duck. You can be surrounded by chaos and drama, similar to the way a duck is surrounded by water, but by choosing to maintain your power and remain calm and collected you have the ability to repel its negative effect. Don’t get soaked, weighed down, and trapped in the emotional residue. Rise above it and chose to live a happy, centered, and powerful life.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Letter to Myself
I am constantly preaching about the importance of leaving the past in the past. I’m a firm believer that regrets are pointless, what’s happened has happened and it made you who you are today. Having said that, I think sometimes people confuse that with forgetting or suppressing the past which is a message I’m definitely not trying to convey. It’s important to remember who we were and what we went through, not to dwell or wallow, but to acknowledge and validate. It’s important because it helps us learn from our mistakes and it reminds us that our perception of current situations isn’t always accurate. How many times have you been in the middle of something, feeling overwhelmed and upset, only to laugh about it a few months later? Reflecting on the past is an important part of personal growth.
As a little exercise in dealing with the past, I’ve decided to write a letter to my old self. I want to validate her feelings and acknowledge what she’s been through. Instead of dwelling of focusing on her unhealthily or unnecessarily, I’m going to send her back to the past where she belongs with love and understanding. For those of you who are on transformation journeys (and I think we all are at some point) I encourage you to do the same and to share them. Please post them on our Facebook page or on the blog, you never know who your story will touch.
Dear past Meg,
I want you to know how much you were loved. In those days, weeks, years when you felt so alone, you had a family that cared about you more than anything. It was hard for you to understand then but they kept their distance because you were on a path of self destruction. You needed to learn those lessons on your own, and it was too painful for them to watch you suffer. I know you felt abandoned, but please know that they were with you every step of the way.
The way you felt about yourself and the person you saw in the mirror wasn’t who you really were, you were so much more. The kids that teased you didn’t mean what they said; they were confused and scared just like you were. I know how hard you tried to fit in, please know that what made you different then has made you a unique and beautiful person today.
When you were a teenager you tried your best to find out who you were. Somewhere between a woman and a child, you grew up too fast and didn’t understand that you were too young to do the things that you did. I’m sorry that you never knew what it meant to be a kid, careless and free of the chaotic world that should only belong to adults. I know you coped with it all the only way you knew how, and that was to run away and pretend that everything was ok. You constantly surrounded yourself with people who felt like you did; lost. Addiction, divorce, sadness, self hatred. They all took their toll and you did the best you could with your feelings.
I want you to know that what you went through wasn’t for nothing. You learned from your mistakes. They helped you become stronger, more self aware, compassionate, and above all they helped build the foundation for a wife, mother, daughter and sister. That pain evolved into strength and became the fuel for many positive projects and endeavours.
I often think about you and the things you had to deal with, but it’s time for me to let you go. I will never forget you or what you’ve been through, but I need to release you in order to heal my wounds and truly become who I am meant to be. I will remember, but I will not regret. I love you now like I never thought I could.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
I Heart Fitness Models
There are a few reasons why I think fitness models are so fantastic. In comparison to fitness models, fashion models, for the most part, all have similar attributes. They're usually tall, slim, and have a striking feature of some sort; large eyes, voluptuous lips, high cheekbones. The build and appearance of a fashion model is usually something that they are born with, something that comes quite naturally to them. For models who aren't naturally slim, sometimes drastic, unhealthy, and dangerous eating and lifestyle habits are practiced in order to achieve that 'Twiggy' look. The girls in fashion mags are typically very young, sometimes under age, and have immature figures to prove it. What I'm trying to say is that fashion models seem to have a type, and girls who aren't born that way will go to the extreme to achieve that look.
What's so refreshing about fitness models is that no one, not a single one, was born with that figure. There isn't a person on the planet that is naturally shredded. People can be predisposed to build muscle easier than others, sure, but they still have to work their asses off to get the muscular definition that fitness models exhibit. As opposed to fashion models, the lifestyle of a fitness model is practically incompatible with unhealthy habits. I'm sure there's an exception out there, possibly a fitness model who manages to work out and maintain an amazing physique that also binge drinks or uses drugs, but I'd be willing to bet there aren't many, if any exist at all. The simple fact is that you can't build muscle and achieve a figure like that by treating your body with any disrespect. You need to be incredibly disciplined, focused, motivated, and positive to put in the kind of hours it takes to build a physique that's worthy of a fitness magazine cover.
Fitness models can be tall or short, and vary from the incredibly muscular to the fit and toned, but they all have one thing in common. They have all EARNED that body. When I see a fitness model wearing lingerie or rocking a skimpy bathing suit, I don't shake my head or question their integrity, I appreciate. I appreciate the amount of hard work and discipline that woman has, I appreciate her power and confidence. She has earned the right to show off her physique, similar to the way a painter showcases a piece of art. Fitness models have bodies that are carefully sculpted and nourished to maximize results and minimize weaknesses. The figure of a fitness model is as inspiring as it is beautiful, a benchmark of what the human body is capable of.
If fitness models were showcased in magazines other than fitness publications, imagine what an impression that might make on a young girl. I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that a girl who aspires to be a fitness model would have a difficult time finding an unhealthy way to do it. Regardless of what you were born with, becoming highly involved in your physical health can override many genetic predispositions to unfavorable features. You'll often hear many models make remarks like 'I wasn't born with this body', and the reality of that is evident everywhere in the fitness industry.
Something that I have come to love about fitness models is the use of the word 'physique'. I can't even begin to tell you how refreshing it is to read comments on a photograph that say things like 'wow, beautiful physique' or 'incredible definition'. There is a level of appreciation versus objectification that you feel emanating from those pictures. These women are powerful representations of the female figure and they're not afraid to show it! Men seem to stare in awe instead of leering suggestively. It's an interesting dynamic to observe.
I'm not saying that every fashion model is unhealthy or that every fitness model is perfectly healthy, all I'm trying to say is that if we put a little more emphasis on what can be achieved individually instead of what someone is naturally born with it would go a long way for the dreams and ideas of young women everywhere. A girl who might not have a chance in the fashion model world might exceed her own expectations in the fitness industry. I am really thrilled to have stumbled upon this lovely little niche of society on my own journey to health, and I hope to bring some of what fitness is all about to the lives of the people around me. It is definitely not for everyone, and it's certainly too early to tell if it's something I'll be able to do with much success, but I sincerely hope to spread a little fitness love around to women and girls everywhere. It's an industry that's steadily gaining popularity around the globe, and rightfully so. The fitness revolution has begun, and we all stand to gain from it.
What's so refreshing about fitness models is that no one, not a single one, was born with that figure. There isn't a person on the planet that is naturally shredded. People can be predisposed to build muscle easier than others, sure, but they still have to work their asses off to get the muscular definition that fitness models exhibit. As opposed to fashion models, the lifestyle of a fitness model is practically incompatible with unhealthy habits. I'm sure there's an exception out there, possibly a fitness model who manages to work out and maintain an amazing physique that also binge drinks or uses drugs, but I'd be willing to bet there aren't many, if any exist at all. The simple fact is that you can't build muscle and achieve a figure like that by treating your body with any disrespect. You need to be incredibly disciplined, focused, motivated, and positive to put in the kind of hours it takes to build a physique that's worthy of a fitness magazine cover.
Fitness models can be tall or short, and vary from the incredibly muscular to the fit and toned, but they all have one thing in common. They have all EARNED that body. When I see a fitness model wearing lingerie or rocking a skimpy bathing suit, I don't shake my head or question their integrity, I appreciate. I appreciate the amount of hard work and discipline that woman has, I appreciate her power and confidence. She has earned the right to show off her physique, similar to the way a painter showcases a piece of art. Fitness models have bodies that are carefully sculpted and nourished to maximize results and minimize weaknesses. The figure of a fitness model is as inspiring as it is beautiful, a benchmark of what the human body is capable of.
If fitness models were showcased in magazines other than fitness publications, imagine what an impression that might make on a young girl. I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that a girl who aspires to be a fitness model would have a difficult time finding an unhealthy way to do it. Regardless of what you were born with, becoming highly involved in your physical health can override many genetic predispositions to unfavorable features. You'll often hear many models make remarks like 'I wasn't born with this body', and the reality of that is evident everywhere in the fitness industry.
Something that I have come to love about fitness models is the use of the word 'physique'. I can't even begin to tell you how refreshing it is to read comments on a photograph that say things like 'wow, beautiful physique' or 'incredible definition'. There is a level of appreciation versus objectification that you feel emanating from those pictures. These women are powerful representations of the female figure and they're not afraid to show it! Men seem to stare in awe instead of leering suggestively. It's an interesting dynamic to observe.
I'm not saying that every fashion model is unhealthy or that every fitness model is perfectly healthy, all I'm trying to say is that if we put a little more emphasis on what can be achieved individually instead of what someone is naturally born with it would go a long way for the dreams and ideas of young women everywhere. A girl who might not have a chance in the fashion model world might exceed her own expectations in the fitness industry. I am really thrilled to have stumbled upon this lovely little niche of society on my own journey to health, and I hope to bring some of what fitness is all about to the lives of the people around me. It is definitely not for everyone, and it's certainly too early to tell if it's something I'll be able to do with much success, but I sincerely hope to spread a little fitness love around to women and girls everywhere. It's an industry that's steadily gaining popularity around the globe, and rightfully so. The fitness revolution has begun, and we all stand to gain from it.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
For The Mamas
I hear this all the time. Expecting parents and parents in general tell me, 'once you have kids, it's all about them' or 'you need to be able to put yourself last to be a parent'. I get what they're trying to say but I have to say I really disagree with those kinds of statements. I would take a bullet for my kid but that doesn't mean that I put myself last. So often we see moms who become empty nesters only to realize they have nothing left for themselves. Their lives for so long revolved around dedicating everything to their kids and somehow they got lost in the process. We need to make our children a priority, but just as important as our children is our own health and well being, and our marriages or relationships with their fathers. Without healthy parents it's almost impossible for our kids to develop their own healthy habits, if we are constantly martyring and sacrificing for our families to the detriment of our own physical and mental health, what kind of message is that sending to them?
When you're on an airplane they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on before putting one on your child. This message rings true to me in respect to our roles as parents. If you are not meeting your needs as an individual you are compromising your ability to parent wholly and fully. Our kids deserve everything we can give them, and when we constantly use our children as a reason to neglect ourselves we're selling them short of the parents they desperately need. It is OK to spend time on yourself. It is OK to chase your dreams and pursue different challenges. It makes you no less of a parent if you aren't dedicating every waking moment to your children and their pursuits, it gives you the opportunity to lead by example instead of instruction. Don't tell your kids they can achieve their dreams, show them.
Don't get lost trying to be everything to everyone. You are at your best when you're everything for yourself. Do the things that you love and keep your heart and mind healthy. Life is about finding that balance between yourself, your children, and your other commitments and relationships; it's not a hierarchy.
We need to stop using our children as excuses, and start using them as reasons to do right by ourselves.
When you're on an airplane they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on before putting one on your child. This message rings true to me in respect to our roles as parents. If you are not meeting your needs as an individual you are compromising your ability to parent wholly and fully. Our kids deserve everything we can give them, and when we constantly use our children as a reason to neglect ourselves we're selling them short of the parents they desperately need. It is OK to spend time on yourself. It is OK to chase your dreams and pursue different challenges. It makes you no less of a parent if you aren't dedicating every waking moment to your children and their pursuits, it gives you the opportunity to lead by example instead of instruction. Don't tell your kids they can achieve their dreams, show them.
Don't get lost trying to be everything to everyone. You are at your best when you're everything for yourself. Do the things that you love and keep your heart and mind healthy. Life is about finding that balance between yourself, your children, and your other commitments and relationships; it's not a hierarchy.
We need to stop using our children as excuses, and start using them as reasons to do right by ourselves.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Progress Pics - 3 Weeks In!!!
Here they are ladies and gents! Three weeks into our program, here are the results:
Thank you all for your love and support, it means the world to us. You keep us going each and every day!!!
Amanda - 131 lbs.
Meg - 160.6 lbs.
Thank you all for your love and support, it means the world to us. You keep us going each and every day!!!
On Rising Above it All...
Do you ever get the feeling that things are a little more connected than we think they are? We hear often that what we put out there is what we get back, and it's true, I'm pretty sure we've all seen that principle in action. Negative people seem to perpetuate negativity throughout the rest of their lives, they have negative personal relationships, negative financial situations, negative physical attributes. It's interesting that we know so little about how truly powerful the mind is, and how even the smallest subconscious thought can have a dramatic impact.
Have you ever noticed that when your environment is in a state of chaos, your state of mind tends to be as well? The house is a disaster, there's no food in the fridge, and you have a million emails to answer. Your mental state is usually a mirror image of the outside environment that you've created for it; sort out the environment and your mind will reorganize and unwind as well. How much better do you feel when the things around you are in order? Often just waking up in a messy or chaotic room is enough to put you off kilter emotionally. We project outwardly what we feel inwardly. Imagine your life as a hologram being projected in front of you, a reflection of what you are feeling and thinking internally. Changes your perspective doesn't it? In fact there is pretty significant evidence that the matter around you can change depending on observation, and that every little particle floating around you is affected by your energy. Think about that. Like matter attracts. So if the matter around you feels your energy, and your energy is negative, what comes barreling your way? You literally become a negative energy magnet.
The most difficult part of maintaining a positive state of mental health is that inevitable something negative will come your way and interfere with your efforts. Your car breaks down, someone vandalizes your home, you lose your job. When that happens it's incredibly difficult to stay positive, but it's in those situations that it is the most important to remain upbeat. The reason being that the negativity will perpetuate and snowball, that blown radiator turns into a new engine, and then your fridge stops working, and you get in a disastrous fight with your spouse. It is very difficult for negative energy to stick around when you remain positive in the face of chaos, more often than not you can stop the hemorrhaging and limit your negative experiences just by keeping close tabs on your state of mind.
When you maintain a chaotic environment it seems almost impossible to get a hold of anything, you experience a total loss of control. Have you noticed when your house is a disaster you also eat poorly, you don't exercise and your finances are a mess? There are implicate rules in the universe, and it is very VERY difficult to be in tune in one area while maintaining disaster in the other. More often than not you need to maintain an even keel in many different areas of your life in order to feel completely in control. The chaos in one aspect will impact others negatively and sabotage your efforts. Life is about finding balance, rhythm, and ritual. You know what that feels like, when everything is running like a well oiled machine. Once your machine is up and running, do your best to keep on track when you hit a few bumps in the road. It's much easier to make minor repairs to your life machine than it is to crash in a fiery inferno and have to start from scratch.
Each of you have the power to create the life you desire. And I mean that literally. See your life as a ball of play dough and your mind as the hands that shape it. Think about your goals and dreams often and make tiny steps every day towards those goals, they'll become a reality faster than you think. If you don't want something in your life, don't put it out there. Save your energy and aggression for the treadmill or the weights.
A zen like attitude is certainly not the answer to every problem, but it's sure as hell the foundation for solution. Give yourself a positivity check every day, are you doing your best to create peace and continuity in your life? If the answer is no, adjust and move on. Don't let negativity overwhelm you and derail your life machine, don't forget who's in control. When you feel sad, angry, frustrated it is YOU who makes the decision to feel that way, not the person you feel is responsible for your feelings. The truth is there is only one person responsible, and that's you. Pissed off because a coworker was late again today? Think they're an ass? Nah, the only ass is you for letting something so ridiculous affect your mood, don't hand your power over to others so easily.
You will slip up and have bad days, just like I do. That's not important. What's important is that the next day you leave the past were it belongs and turn a new page, don't let past-self screw over future-self. Keep it up and you'll become such a relentless, powerful ball of positivity that negative people and situations are blasted into oblivion. You are strong. You are incredible. You are in control.
That little voice that tells you that you can't do this, is a liar.
Have you ever noticed that when your environment is in a state of chaos, your state of mind tends to be as well? The house is a disaster, there's no food in the fridge, and you have a million emails to answer. Your mental state is usually a mirror image of the outside environment that you've created for it; sort out the environment and your mind will reorganize and unwind as well. How much better do you feel when the things around you are in order? Often just waking up in a messy or chaotic room is enough to put you off kilter emotionally. We project outwardly what we feel inwardly. Imagine your life as a hologram being projected in front of you, a reflection of what you are feeling and thinking internally. Changes your perspective doesn't it? In fact there is pretty significant evidence that the matter around you can change depending on observation, and that every little particle floating around you is affected by your energy. Think about that. Like matter attracts. So if the matter around you feels your energy, and your energy is negative, what comes barreling your way? You literally become a negative energy magnet.
The most difficult part of maintaining a positive state of mental health is that inevitable something negative will come your way and interfere with your efforts. Your car breaks down, someone vandalizes your home, you lose your job. When that happens it's incredibly difficult to stay positive, but it's in those situations that it is the most important to remain upbeat. The reason being that the negativity will perpetuate and snowball, that blown radiator turns into a new engine, and then your fridge stops working, and you get in a disastrous fight with your spouse. It is very difficult for negative energy to stick around when you remain positive in the face of chaos, more often than not you can stop the hemorrhaging and limit your negative experiences just by keeping close tabs on your state of mind.
When you maintain a chaotic environment it seems almost impossible to get a hold of anything, you experience a total loss of control. Have you noticed when your house is a disaster you also eat poorly, you don't exercise and your finances are a mess? There are implicate rules in the universe, and it is very VERY difficult to be in tune in one area while maintaining disaster in the other. More often than not you need to maintain an even keel in many different areas of your life in order to feel completely in control. The chaos in one aspect will impact others negatively and sabotage your efforts. Life is about finding balance, rhythm, and ritual. You know what that feels like, when everything is running like a well oiled machine. Once your machine is up and running, do your best to keep on track when you hit a few bumps in the road. It's much easier to make minor repairs to your life machine than it is to crash in a fiery inferno and have to start from scratch.
Each of you have the power to create the life you desire. And I mean that literally. See your life as a ball of play dough and your mind as the hands that shape it. Think about your goals and dreams often and make tiny steps every day towards those goals, they'll become a reality faster than you think. If you don't want something in your life, don't put it out there. Save your energy and aggression for the treadmill or the weights.
A zen like attitude is certainly not the answer to every problem, but it's sure as hell the foundation for solution. Give yourself a positivity check every day, are you doing your best to create peace and continuity in your life? If the answer is no, adjust and move on. Don't let negativity overwhelm you and derail your life machine, don't forget who's in control. When you feel sad, angry, frustrated it is YOU who makes the decision to feel that way, not the person you feel is responsible for your feelings. The truth is there is only one person responsible, and that's you. Pissed off because a coworker was late again today? Think they're an ass? Nah, the only ass is you for letting something so ridiculous affect your mood, don't hand your power over to others so easily.
You will slip up and have bad days, just like I do. That's not important. What's important is that the next day you leave the past were it belongs and turn a new page, don't let past-self screw over future-self. Keep it up and you'll become such a relentless, powerful ball of positivity that negative people and situations are blasted into oblivion. You are strong. You are incredible. You are in control.
That little voice that tells you that you can't do this, is a liar.
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