I want you to think about something. We’ve all heard of ‘The Secret’ and the power of positive thinking. We know that the mind is a very powerful thing and that it has a tremendous impact on our physical reality. The problem that I’ve always had with the ‘if you believe it, it will happen’ theory is that it’s proven wrong time and time again. Sure there are instances where it definitely happens; you think about creating enough money to renovate your kitchen and you get a nice big tax return that you weren’t expecting, or you concentrate daily on getting a new car and lo and behold you get a raise at work. Those things happen, but how many times have you hoped and begged and pleaded for something and it just didn’t work out? Or what about people who obsess about things? Why don’t the things they obsess about come to fruition? The laws of attraction would indicate that if you truly believe something, it should come to be in your reality, but the truth is that through practical experience we know that doesn’t happen. ‘The Secret’ repeatedly points out that there is no limit to the laws of attraction, but I’m not sure that convincing yourself that your dog will come back to life will make it happen. Unfortunately that issue doesn’t seem to be addressed in any of the positive thinking books that I’ve read, and I find it perplexing that such an obvious flaw in the theory isn’t discussed at all.
A few weeks ago I watched a documentary that changed everything. It was called ‘The Quantum Activist’, and it’s about a very humble and incredible man named Dr. Amit Goswami. Dr. Amit is a quantum physicist, a pioneer in the discovery and interpretation of what reality is on its most basic level, also known as quantum physics. What was so powerful about Dr. Amit’s message is that it explains completely the paradox that I discussed before. Why is it that if we use the principle of the laws of attraction, many of us do not manifest our deepest desires? He points out that if it was really that easy, we’d all be rich and have luxury cars in the driveway; the truth is it’s much deeper and more profound than that.
We are all connected through consciousness. Each of us as an individual has the ability to connect to our universe through the unconscious mind. It is there, in the deepest, most spiritual part of us that the laws of attraction apply. When we want something for the RIGHT reasons, and it benefits us as a whole society, not strictly as an individual; that’s when the magic happens. Who benefits from having a new BMW? Do you want that car for altruistic reasons? Doubtful. Let’s say you want to start a business that helps others in some fashion, I bet you can make it happen, and I bet you can guess why. When we challenge ourselves and take on pursuits that benefit not only us, but those around us, incredible things start to happen. If you make decisions and choose endeavors that benefit you AND others, success is absolutely imminent.
The law of attraction applies to the unconscious world, don’t confuse it with the desires and wants of the ego (our individual self). You can’t wish yourself a Mercedes any more than I can wish myself a winning lottery ticket. Once you get past the superficial desires and start to focus on what really matters for the betterment of society, you will find that you have an unparalleled ability to incite change in the world around you. Even things that outwardly might seem superficial or individual, such as weight loss or business ventures, will ultimately benefit others. Your weight loss might inspire someone who is depressed and overweight to start their own weight loss journey to health and happiness; your business endeavor might focus on helping others reach their goals.
The unconscious mind is an incredible tool, harness its power and learn to make decisions for the greater good and your life will change dramatically. Everywhere we look we see the symptoms of perceived separation from each other. War, death, hatred; all signs that we’re missing the big picture. You and I are one and the same, our unconscious selves are connected in unbelievable ways. Once you figure that out you can transcend the limitations of our physical world. Don’t believe me? Give it a shot if for no other reason than to prove me wrong. Make decisions from a global perspective; make them from love for yourself and those around you and see the possibilities unfold. Love should be your one and only motivation, keep it in your heart always and watch the most beautiful life unfold.